Workforce Diversity

When diversity is respected, everyone belongs and thrives. Are you ready to take the next bold step in your diversity journey?


Cultivating a Growth Mindset Rooted in Spirituality

Having a growth mindset is good for business and good for well-being. Growing numbers across generations turn to spirituality for well-being, comfort, and life values. Learn how to cultivate and apply a growth mindset rooted in spirituality.


Leading a Culturally Diverse Team

Understand and motivate your diverse teams to maximize business results. Explore how diverse cultures impact core business functions, and discover culturally sensitive strategies for team building.


Thriving in Our Multi-Generational Workplace

Learn about Islamic finance concepts and products in American markets, the impacts of U.S. laws, and the business case for engaging American Muslim clients, many of whom are connected to the $4 trillion global Islamic marketplace.


Advancing Anti-Racism at Work

Explore how racism manifests at work, how COIVD has exacerbated the effects of racism, and best practices in how individuals and companies can be anti-racist to counter these trends productively.


Help! We're Losing Women!

Recent gains in striving for gender parity in corporate America have reversed. The pandemic has caused up to 2 million women -- especially senior women, BIPOC women, and working mothers—to leave the workforce. This will result in less diverse workforces and lost innovation, as well as over $1 trillion in lost GDP growth by 2030 if the trend continues. This session explains how and why the coronavirus has driven diverse women to unemployment, explores women’s experiences of discrimination when they were employed, provides best practices for companies to reverse these trends, and highlights the critical importance of male leaders in driving the process.


Maximizing Millennial & Gen Z Talent in the Age of Coronavirus

Millennials & Gen Z are spreading coronavirus. Not because they are partying, but because they are the heart of our economy. Since 2020, Millennials formed 50% of the workforce. By 2025, Millennials + Gen Z will be 75% of the workforce. This session covers the key drivers, trends, and strategies to understand and engage these young talented workers, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on their employment experiences.


Supporting Working Parents Post-Vaccine

Parents are not considered a unique category in corporate DEI agendas, but perhaps they should be. COVID-19 has deeply challenged and brought to light their work-life needs and stressors, which require better understanding and tailored responses. This session unpacks the unique needs of working parents (including BIPOC parents), how covid has impacted differently working moms vs. working dads vs. childless working women, and which employer solutions work best vs. least for supporting working parents.


Unlocking America’s Trillion Dollar Faith Economy

Faith-driven or faith-inspired businesses, congregations, and institutions in America contribute $1.2 trillion to the economy annually. However, some 30% of American workers have experienced or witnessed some form of religious discrimination or non-accommodation in their workplace. In 2018, EEOC workplace discrimination complaints based on religion far surpassed complaints based on sexual orientation. This session covers the what, why, and how of understanding, engaging, leveraging, and accommodating religious and worldview diversity at work.


Countering Islamophobia in the Workplace

Islamophobia, or the fear of and discrimination against Muslims, has become a mainstream public, popular, and work discourse in the US and abroad. Though Muslims constitute 1-2% of Americans, they accounted for at least 20% of workplace-discrimination claims based on religion since 2009. This talk uncovers the roots of Islamophobia, its manifestations and accommodations in the workplace, its impacts on colleagues and clients connected to the $4 trillion global Muslim market, and recommended best practices for the workplace.